centrally planned economy | 中央计划经济 |
mandatory plan | 指令性经济 |
Internet-based economy | 网络经济 |
positive economy | 实证经济学 |
export-oriented economy | 外向型经济 |
the real economy | 实体经济 |
economies of scale | 规模经济 |
diseconomy of scale | 规模不经济 |
laws of economics | 经济规律 |
the invisible hand | 看不见的手 |
give play to the regulatory role of the market | 发挥市场调节作用 |
economic and legal leverages | 经济和法律的杠杆 |
combine economic planning with market regulation | 经济计划和市场调节相结合 |
optimize allocations of scale | 优化资源配置 |
advantage of economies of scale | 规模经营优势 |
comparative advantage | 比较优势 |
new Keynesian | 新凯恩思主义 |
monetarist | 货币主义者 |
supply-side economist | 供给学派 |
business conglomerate | 企业集团 |
ownership by the whole people | 全民所有制 |
collective ownership | 集体所有制 |
state-ownership enterprises(SOEs) | 国有企业 |
partnership enterprises | 集体企业 |
private businesses | 私营企业 |
privately-run businesses | 民营企业 |
small and medium enterprises(Sees) | 中小企业 |
three forms of foreign-invested enterprises | 三资企业 |
franchise/chain businesses | 连锁企业 |
down-stream enterprises | 下游企业 |
high added value | 高附加值 |
major economic indicator | 主要经济指标 |
GDP per capita | 人均国内生产总值 |
gross output value of industry and agriculture | 工农业总产值 |
industrial added value | 工业增加值 |
growth rate in real terms | 实际增长率 |
average growth rate per am mum | 年均增长率 |
sustainable growth | 可持续增长 |
export-led growth | 出口导向型增长 |
investment-driven growth | 投资驱动增长 |
increment | 增额;增加值 |
economic returns/business performance | 经济效益 |
total retail sales | 社会商品零售总额 |
percentage point | 百分点 |
calculate at the base line | 按原口径计算 |
calculate at constant price | 按不变价格计算 |
calculate at comparable price | 按可比价格计算 |
rate of return on investment | 投资回报率 |
total foreign trade value | 外贸进出口总额 |
foreign trade surplus | 外贸顺差 |
deficit | 逆差 |
foreign investment in place | 实际利用外资 |
fully funded | 资金到位 |
tax revenue | 财政收入 |
national income | 国民收入 |
aggregate demand curve | 总需求曲线 |
aggregate supply curve | 总供给曲线 |
aggregate expenditures curve | 总支出曲线 |
consumer price index(CIP) | 消费价格指数 |
retail price index(CPI) | 零售价格指数 |
total price index of living cost | 生活费用价格总指数 |
income available for living expenses | 生活费用 |
in real terms | 扣除物价因素 |
domestic savings | 居民储存存款 |
Engel coefficient | 恩格尔系数(食品开支比例) |
Gina coefficient | 基尼系数(地区差别) |
ease’s theorem | 科斯定理C |
purchasing power parity(PPP) | 购买力平价法 |
excessive pursuit of growth | 片面追求发展速度 |
slowdown of economic growth | 经济增长减速 |
bubble economy | 泡沫经济 |
overheating of economy | 经济过热 |
frenzied and speculative trading in the property market | 炒房地产热 |
chain debts/interenterprise arrears | 三角债 |
structural imbalance | 结构失调 |
acute structural imbalance | 结构性矛盾突出 |
structural optimization | 优化结构 |
oversupply | 供大于求 |
short supply | 供不应求 |
demand-pull inflation | 需求拉动的通货膨胀 |
hyperinflation | 恶性通货膨胀 |
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